2025 03 16
Https www alamy com english map of sheikh syed sheikh said cheikh said included in an article on european territorial claims on the coast of the red sea written by w rawson a british official and statistician the article was published in the wake of the 1884 1885 berlin conference called to regulate colonial expansion in africa the map shows a french coaling depot established in 1870 franais carte sommaire de cheik sad incluse dans un article sur les revendications territoriales europennes en mer rouge larticle a t publi en 1885 avec comme arrire plan la confrence de berlin de 1884 1885 conv image211394951 html (Dateityp jpg)
English Map Of Sheikh Syed Sheikh Said Cheikh Said Included In An Article On European Territorial Claims On The Coast Of The Red Sea Written By W Rawson A British Official And
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