2025 02 19
Https www alamy com plates of the arteries of the human body y plate xxxv exliihits the arteries of the posterior part of the leg figure ishows the superficial arteries 1 vastus extornus 2 2 tendon of the sartorious muscle 3 n tendon of the gracilis muscle 4 4 yemitendinosus muscle 5 5 5 semimembranosus muscle 6 3 biceps flexor cruris 7 7 7 7 7 plantaris muscle 8 8 8 8 gastrocnemius 9 9 9 soleus 10 10 10 tendo achillis 11 11 flexor longus communis digitorum 12 tendon of the tibialis posticusj3 13 13 13 peroneus longus 14 14 14 14 peroneus brevis image336719564 html (Dateityp jpg)
Page 3 Plantaris High Resolution Stock Photography And Images Alamy
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